Boston Area Trans Suppert (BATS)
BATS WebsiteThis section is still under construction.
- Joined as a member at the end of 2022.
- Learned about how the group operated on values-based consensus.
- Heard places current group procedures weren't working for people, and places where vaguenesses in the rules were leading to conflicts, and wrote proposals to fix them, which have now passed. (Incl. careful use of reclaimed slurs, safe word policy, rule enforcement policy, COVID-19 policy).
- Wrote and then implemented proposals to finish setting up and organize the Discord that was somewhat hastily set up by members at the time when the pandemic hit.
- Currently assisting with a gradual full review of the binder of Cambridge chapter policies and procedures.
- I am often good at remembering what it was like when I joined a group to find issues with onboarding that become less obvious once familiar with procedures. Using that to identify, for instance, how to make the binder more straightforward to follow for first-time support group moderators.
- I am also versed in creating and implementing style guides. Using that to help organize the years of differently formatted binder sections.